![]() 11/02/2015 at 14:05 • Filed to: Need for Speed | ![]() | ![]() |
Having started out with a PS2 for christmas in 2004 and with Need For Speed Underground 2 being the reason I got one (saved up paper round monies to pay no less) i can only hope the new one comes even close to NFS U2. I was a devout fan and bought pretty much every PS2 game, but never really wanted any of the PS3 editions. Hopefully Next Gen consoles and a proper reboot bring it back to where the series left off 11 years ago.
I might have even booked Friday afternoon off work to play it.... maybe I should get out more.
those were the days...
![]() 11/02/2015 at 14:09 |
I’ve just aquired NFSU 2 for ps2 yesterday. Can’t wait to get back into it.
![]() 11/02/2015 at 14:11 |
Ha wow thats some serious retro gaming. Awesome!
![]() 11/02/2015 at 14:16 |
Retro gaming is what I do.
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I hope you enjoy it as for me I’m avoiding this game like the plague. Way too many of my dislikes have been flagged for this game.
![]() 11/02/2015 at 14:30 |
I took part in the closed beta, it’s the closest thing to underground 2 without actually being underground 2, but it’s still a fairly sized gap between them
![]() 11/02/2015 at 14:41 |
Oh man, Underground 2...I played the hell out of that game. Raced a Celica to “match” the Celica I was driving at the time. Of course, the in-game car ended up being a monstrosity, with three layers of vinyls, mismatched carbon fiber, underglow and a hatch filled with audio equipment...for better or worse, Underground 2 was the only game where you could put scissor doors on your Escalade and hydraulics on your Supra.
![]() 11/02/2015 at 14:57 |
Still believe that NFSU2 was one of the best car games ever, along with Test Drive Unlimited (Atari!)
Haven’t seen a game that oozed character as much as those did. Forza Horizon 2 is damn good, its open world is very cool, but it lacks a bit of the weirdness and imperfection the earlier open world games had.
Hope that NFS will again offer a beautiful, urban world and maybe a story that is not utterly stupid.
![]() 11/02/2015 at 15:04 |
I want to love it, but the handling still doesn’t seem right. I still play underground 2 sometimes haha.
![]() 11/02/2015 at 15:22 |
Yeah the stories of like most wanted and the like weren’t great. I do remember enjoying Pro Street but i think i was in a small minority who liked that game.
![]() 11/02/2015 at 15:23 |
So long as its not such a big disappointment as Project Cars ill be happy. I actually bought a PS4 for that massive crock of shite. Such a buggy game, that is so reliant on online. Very disappointed in it.
![]() 11/02/2015 at 15:24 |
If I had my PS2 here I would totally crack out NFS U2 just to find some of my cars on the memory cards. Such a great game.
I guess the handling will be an acquired taste, where it takes ages to get good at it. Hopefully its better than Grid reloaded or whatever that shitty game was.
Wow, now I think about it theres been loads of over hyped and ultimately disappointing racing games... hopefully this one is ok.
![]() 11/02/2015 at 15:25 |
Ha oh we all had the monstrosities. I remember I had a 350z with spinners, NOS spray and some ridiculous sound system. The shame...
![]() 11/02/2015 at 15:26 |
it was more than ok for me. Used to drift a Caddy CTS-V in there.
But it s Story seemed already very...costructed. In TDU or NFSU2 (or the early Midnight Club games) you were free in how you liked to play and all seemd a bit improvized. That’s why those 3 are my favorite games by a wide, wide margin.
![]() 11/02/2015 at 16:30 |
Oh God, NFS Underground...
On the extremely rare occasion I hear “Get Low” start playing the start menu immediately pops up in my mind.
My GOD I loved that game.
![]() 11/02/2015 at 16:38 |
elaborate please
![]() 11/02/2015 at 16:49 |
I have to borrow a PS2 off my little brother to play it haha.
There have been some real bad racing games in the past, personally I hated NFS Rivals and traded it in for Driveclub, hopefully the handling has changed since that one. At least it looks great and has the customisation.
![]() 11/02/2015 at 16:51 |
The customisation is in the same style of U2 where it takes inspiration from pop culture in the tuning world (Rocket Bunny, RWB, etc) but the gap is in the form of it’s handling, while you can tune it to how you want it either grip or drift but it doesn’t make any difference to your times from what I had found out.
For example in the grip setup you will be going slower through the corner but you have the grip to accelerate and on the drift setup you can slide through the corner quicker but as you’ve lost traction you will take that little bit longer to accelerate overall no real difference, I test this with the CPU who drifted the corner and I gripped through it and no time was gained by either